라이브 코스
Historical Background of the New Testament
The course is open for registration
코스 정보
Academic Credit Hours
February 28 – May 23, 2023
Tuesdays , 4 – 7 PM GMT+3 (Israel Time)
비학점 또는 석사 학위 레벨
Language: English
코스 수업료
For Personal Enrichment –
$249 USD
For Academic Credit –
$750 USD
For DTS students -
(please provide valid student ID#)
*These fees do not include required textbooks
**Payment is non-refundable

쉴라 길렌베르그 교수 (Dr. Sheila Gyllenberg)
쉴라 길렌베르그 박사는 캐나다에서 태어났으며 1983년부터 이스라엘에서 거주해오고 있다. 길렌베르크 박사는 바르일란대학에서 유대인 역사로 석사학위를 받았고 고고학 및 이스라엘 땅 연구로 박사학위를 받았다. 이스라엘 여행 전문가이드 자격증 보유자이기도 하다. 길렌베르그 박사는 이스라엘성서대학(ICB)에서 이스라엘의 역사와 지리 및 고고학을 포함하는 성서 배경 과정을 강의하고 있다.
Historical Background of the New Testament
The course is open for registration
Course Description
This course is an introduction to the social, political, religious and cultural world of the Second Temple Period and the backgrounds of the New Testament. The course looks at selected issues that provide context for the study of the life of Jesus and the world of the early church. Some of the topics addressed are Temple, Sanhedrin and Synagogue, Greco-Roman Religions and Philosophies, Jewish Sects, Rabbinic Literature and the Dead Sea Scrolls.
Course Structure
The lessons will be held through a Zoom format, consisting of lectures and interactive discussions. There will be 10 three hour (with breaks) live zoom lectures. Recordings will be available to registered students to watch multiple times during the time of the course and for six weeks after it ends. It won’t be possible to download video lectures to personal PC.
We cannot ensure the quality of zoom recordings should technical failures occur. We also cannot guarantee that all parts will be recorded. Therefore, it is NOT possible to register for recordings only. Students need to participate in live lectures.
Course Goals
To learn about the political, social and religious world from which both Judaism and Christianity were birthed.
To clarify and illuminate the life and ministry of Jesus and the world-view of the New Testament writers.
To provide the student with tools that will enhance their study of the New Testament.
Learning Outcome
After completing this course, the student should be able to:
Use background information in an appropriate way to a better understanding of the New Testament and its message.
View the teaching and ministry of Yeshua in relation to Judaism of his day and discuss New Testament passages in light of relevant passages in early Jewish sources.