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온라인 스터디


Bringing the Land of the Bible right to your desk!


이스라엘 성서의 장소에서 직접 제작한 비디오 강의
명확한 커리큘럼 제공
각 개인의 일정에 적합한 학습 – 학년 동안 언제든지 등록 가능
자체 학습을 통해 6개월의 유연성을 제공하는 과정
자신의 일정에 따라 과제와 테스트를 완료할 시기를 선택


이스라엘과 관련된 아카데미 온라인 코스 (레벨선택가능)


아카데믹 인리치 프로그램 (비학점 평생학습 코스)
학사 레벨 아카데믹 3 학점 코스
석사 레벨 아카데믹 3 학점 코스

이미지 제공: Sarah Dorweiler
Biblical Geography
The Dead Sea Scrolls & the New Testament
The Historical Jesus Of The New Testament
The Jewish Roots of the Christian Faith
Jewish – Christian Relations

ICB 온라인 코스

Biblical Geography

Biblical Geography

Studying the geography of the Bible in the Land of Israel may sound like an impossible dream, but now you can delve into the subject right where you are, even if you live on a different continent!

The Dead Sea Scrolls & the New Testament

The Dead Sea Scrolls & the New Testament

The discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls shook the world of Second Temple historians and archaeologists, both Jews and Christians. They proved that there was a messianic expectation before the time of the New Testament for the “Son of God” to arrive. What are the Dead Sea Scrolls and what is the connection between the Dead Sea Scrolls and the New Testament?

The Historical Jesus Of The New Testament

The Historical Jesus Of The New Testament

In this class we will interview internationally known New Testament scholar, Craig Evans, about the contemporary state of historical Jesus research. We’ll also discover Jesus – the historical Jesus – as found in the pages of the New Testament.

The Jewish Roots of the Christian Faith

The Jewish Roots of the Christian Faith

This course will consider the importance of Jesus’ Jewish identity, and examine the New Testament in light of the Old Testament background.

Jewish – Christian Relations

Jewish – Christian Relations

This course will survey the history of the Jewish people and Judaism in comparison with the history of Christianity. Instead of seeing Jesus and Judaism through the lens of later history, we will study them both in their original historical context.

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